Aspose.GIS for .NET is a leading Geographical Information System (GIS) data processing, manipulation, and conversion API. It enables the .NET developers to programmatically access, read, write, and convert popular GIS file formats such as Shapefile (SHP, SHX), GeoJSON, FileGDB (GDB), Keyhole Markup Language (KML), Geography Markup Language (GML), GPX Exchange Format (GPX), and more. The GIS API for .NET provides data visualization tools to render maps to PNG, JPG, and BMP raster images and SVG vectors. It also supports detailed vector data analysis of the geographic information obtained from the geospatial vector formats.
It helps users retrieve layer metadata, read or write layer data by spatial indexes, and create layers and datasets from scratch. Developers can use the .NET GIS library to create, modify, and export geometric objects such as points, lines, polygons, multipoints, multilines, and curved or non-linear geometries. It allows you to manipulate Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) data within your GIS data processing solutions. Converting to and from different GIS files is possible using the .NET API, and data re-projection and setting object attributes are supported during the conversion process. Aspose.GIS for .NET is an excellent library for efficient GIS data manipulation and conversion. You can use it for geospatial data integration in .NET apps without additional software installations.
Please check the following information for more help with setting up Aspose.GIS for .NET. Before installing the API, please review a list of prerequisites related to the system requirements to ensure you have everything set up at your end in terms of the recommended OS, platform, and frameworks.
To install the geospatial data processing API for .NET, you can either download the MSI installer or the product DLLs from the downloads section. Or, you can utilize the NuGet package to set up the library in the Visual Studio Package Manager Console using the following command:
Aspose.GIS for .NET works across multiple OS and platforms to provide a cross-platform geographic vector data processing and conversion experience. It is possible for the developers to accurately convert between different Geographic Information System or GIS file formats and empower their .NET solutions using the advanced conversion options supported by the geospatial data processing API.
Converting a Shapefile or SHP to GeoJSON format is straightforward with Aspose.GIS for .NET API. It also lets you convert GeoJSON to Shapefile format in .NET. The below-given C# code sample and other information will guide you to effortlessly convert SHP to GeoJSON within your .NET solutions.
// Declare a ConversionOptions class object ConversionOptions conversionOptions = null; // Check if the selected driver supports the target spatial reference system bool bIsSupported = Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84); // Set the destination spatial reference system if (bIsSupported) { conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions(); conversionOptions.DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84; } // Convert SHP to GeoJson VectorLayer.Convert("sample.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "sample.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, conversionOptions); System.Console.WriteLine("Done");
Keyhole Markup Language or KML is another popular GIS vector data format. The .NET API for GIS helps developers in converting the GeoJSON format to KML. Let's check the following information and C# code snippet which explains how to convert GeoJSON to KML on the .NET platform.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(); string sourceFile = dataDir + "intersection.geojson"; string outputFile = dataDir + "output.kml"; // Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional. ConversionOptions options = null; // This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer. // Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check. if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84)) { options = new ConversionOptions() { DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84, }; } // Convert file format from GeoJSON to KML. VectorLayer.Convert(sourceFile, Drivers.GeoJson, outputFile, Drivers.Kml, options);
Please visit the GitHub examples page of the Aspose.HTML for .NET API to view more working code examples. We provide Free Online GIS Data Processing Apps to view and convert GIS files and transform coordinates on the go. Please be sure to check our free apps.
Among the numerous advanced functionalities of Aspose.GIS for .NET is the ability to render maps in multiple formats. It allows developers to use the geospatial data from different GIS formats, such as SHP, KML, and GeoJSON, and create maps. The maps can be rendered to JPEG, BMP, PNG raster image formats, and SVG vector files. The GIS data processing API empowers developers to create comprehensive solutions to manipulate GIS files innovatively and remain ahead of the competition.
Converting GIS files in .NET is quick and easy using the GIS API for .NET API. It helps you seamlessly convert one GIS file to another and supports various GIS formats including SHP, JSON, GeoJSON, GDB, GML, GPX, KML, and more.
The geospatial data processing API for .NET works fast and completes your GIS file reading, writing, converting, and processing requests in no time.
You can be sure of the security of your data files while processing them using the GIS file manipulation API. We ensure the privacy of your data and take all required measures to provide you with a secure user experience.
Yes, the geospatial .NET library works across different OS, frameworks, and operating environments. You can use it on the platform of your choice and it does not require any additional software installation to function.